What role does migraine play in my family history?
My mother had awful migraines as a teen. She missed classes and of course had to deal with other teenage woes while suffering from migraine. She told me when she was am adult, she no longer had them.
Her middle sister gets them worse than I've ever heard of. She's paralyzed for days and is in so much pain. She's gone to many different doctors and, like me, they don't know what to do with her. She also has rheumatoid arthritis and blood pressure problems.
My mother's youngest sister used to have a headache everyday. She used Zomig and said after her daughter was born, she no longer had the problem.
My maternal grandfather has your two diabetes, My maternal grandmother has thyroid issues. My youngest sister inherited the thyroid issues.
And then there's me. I never had a problem with migraines until 2009 when a three day migraine kept me crying in bed. After that, I got a daily headache that was treated with Excedrin, the so-called savior to pain. Finally in 2011 after frequent migraines and a trip to the ER, I started seeing a neurologist. My diagnosis so far is Chronic Migraine and Vitamin B12 Deficiency.
I was cursed from the start I guess.
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