Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Who's Playing Whack-A-Mole With My Head?

Today was very challenging for me. I forgot to fill my CoQ 10 and Vitamin B12 capsules so my body was very mad at me. Without Vitamin B12, I start to shake, feel faint, and have zero energy. Some of the challenges of having a vitamin B12 deficiency with migraines include never knowing what symptoms are affecting what, how to treat them, and which is worse. Now that I've filled my supplements, I'm hoping to be back to "normal" soon.

While at work, I kept wondering who was playing Whack-A-Mole with my head. It seems the pain was moving from spot to spot all over my head and then even to the rest of my body. My left hand started to hurt, my legs had "pins and needles," and I had lots of nausea.

This just goes to show you: keep your treatment supplements and medications filled! I tend to forget things very easily (thanks B12 deficiency) so alarms on my phone and little notes on my desk help.

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