Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Phantom of the Opera

I'm a little late but I wanted to share my Migraine & Headache Awareness Month blog challenge posts. June 1 talked about what do you hide behind your migraine mask? What do you let people see?

At work, I try to look like a normal person as much as I possibly can, but they see right through it. The picture I attached to this post is how I feel inside when I have an attack. 

To my family, I can't hide anything at all. They know I struggle and hurt, but they don't know what to do to make it better. I don't even know! My dog cuddles and tries to be as sweet as possible, but I still hurt. 

For the most part, looking normal seems like a stressful chore and it is. If I have the energy, I put on makeup and a fake smile. I walk like nothing's wrong because no one wants to see that things are wrong. It's a daily mask, but it must be worn.

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