It seems we have many ways to express what's going on with our bodies. A common way is to share The Spoon Theory (such a great reference). For me, I find that I lose spoons and gain one or two when I sleep, or recharge my batteries. Check this out:
In the morning, it takes me several snoozes too finally get up. I'm rebooting for the day as a computer would. When getting out of bed, I need to wait a couple more seconds because I'm not quite fully running yet. My body does a check to get all programs running. After the morning bathroom trip, breakfast, and taking the dog out, I am mentally and physically booted to put my mask on. Just like a cell phone cover, it fits like a glove (though some days I have to squeeze a little more lol). My face, hair, and attire make me appear normal though my hardware underneath says otherwise.
During the commute, I'm catching up on news and music, which can be looked at as downloading updates to software. I finally reach my cubicle and the real work begins.
Throughout the day, I need small breaks just like your computer freezes up when you're doing too much at one time. Some parts of my system need to stop working to focus on another. Too much work at one time can crash an entire system. So take it easy, spoonie. Your system is more vulnerable than others.
In the afternoon, My battery always seems pretty low. I assume it's blood sugar so I have a snack and take a breather. There are some days when it seems you've contracted a complicated virus and need to go home to repair and reboot. There are days when you know what caused the virus and others that leave you clueless.
Bottom line: you know your own machine better than anyone else. So keep that anti virus up to date (doctor check ups and treatments) and know when to repair and reboot.
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