Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014: A Look at an Amazing Year

Well I've been on a hiatus from blogging lately, but I need to get back into the groove. So many exciting things have happened in 2014!

1. Promotion - In January, I was promoted at my "day job" from seasonal key holder to Assistant Manager. It's a job I enjoy, but it isn't my career goal at the moment. I went full time to gain the income I needed to support headshots, acting classes, paying bills, and reducing debt.

2. Busch Gardens - I auditioned and booked roles in the live entertainment events of Howl O Scream and Christmas Town at Busch Gardens in Tampa. Due to the need to work more than my full time job would allow, I transferred to another store and became a part time manager. This allowed me to keep the freedom of pursuing my passions. Howl O Scream was an amazing experience and I met so many talented people. We all still keep in touch and hopefully will remain friends for a  while. Our characters were cannibals fresh from the mental institution, which was a joy to portray. We used improv the ENTIRE time we were on set. We did have our beginnings to our madness which was reset several times during the performances, but that made it more enjoyable for the viewers. Being in the atmosphere really helped me develop this character and maybe even turn her into a short horror film with the others. For Christmas Town, I was Santa's helper, Dimples the elf. This required a LOT of improv skills, but was so worth it. To see the magic in each child's eyes was simply breathtaking.

3. "White Angel" - In the spring and summer, I worked on a superhero feature film in Daytona. For this film, I was portraying a bully turned snake villain. The latex makeup was stunning and I built a great relationship with the cast. Can't wait to see the finished product.

4. "The Legend of Kate Kensington" - In the fall, I booked a supporting role on the upcoming thriller, "The Legend of Kate Kensington," where I play the main character's sister in flashbacks. This role required deep emotion and really pushed my limits. A piece of the scene can be found on my reel

5. "Migraine Hell" - In the summer, I announced I'd be pursuing my first writing to come to life. "Migraine Hell" is about a chronic migraine patient's follow up appointment that goes hell-ish. I'm very excited to film this in January 2015.

6. Indiegogo - For my first film, I launched an Indiegogo campaign that fell flat. I did most of the steps I thought would help it become successful, but it wasn't. I did two promotional teasers to build hype, an interview type video to show each cast and crew and why they wanted to be a part of this project, and of course used social media to share as much as I could with proper hashtags. The crowdfunding process is extremely difficult and stressful, so I will not be doing it again anytime soon.

7. Bouncy Boxer Media - For my self-publishing, I used my Bouncy Boxer Media name, but this year I decided to expand it to film. In 2015, I'll be using this company to make as many things as I can. Every beginning filmmaker starts somewhere. For me, it'll be in YouTube videos, short films, a web series, and spoofs. I want to tap into many aspects of filmmaking to see what my niche is. So far, I'm loving producing. I have control over the start to finish of the project (which being a control freak and a writer comes in handy) and I learn so much. I've built some great relationships with established filmmakers who can help me learn so many things.

8. Balloons! - Toward the end of 2014, I made a connection with a special events company to learn balloon artistry. This will become a side gig for 2015 to make extra money for debt payoffs. It's challenging, but I will learn more with each balloon. Kids love it!

9. Brand Ambassador - One of my other side gigs was to be a brand ambassador for marketing companies. I loved every gig I booked and look forward to many more!

In closing, 2014 was pretty great. I started to challenge myself and make goals for the future. Now 2015 will be about putting plans in place to reach those goals and learn everything I can. Keep a look out! I'm excited!

Friday, September 26, 2014

New gigs, new statuses, and new adventures

Hey guys! So I haven't posted in a while. Mostly because I've been crazy busy! Here's an update since we last spoke:

1. I'm bringing a screenplay to life! That's right! I wrote a short comedy and it'll be filmed in January. This gives me adequate time to find funding (Indiegogo and investors), get all paperwork together, and just have fun with it. We are on social media at and @themigrainehell on Twitter. I'm line producing and the lead in this production. I'm learning a TON and will bring this experience on to the next project.
2. I scored two holiday gigs! I auditioned and booked roles at Busch Gardens! Very excited!
3. I am now part time at my "day job." Although I'm still being scheduled full time, hopefully soon I'll be getting less hours at the shop so I can do more with my creative endeavors. 
4. I'm meeting so many people! Oh the life of a filmmaker! One thing I enjoy almost as much as filming is making new friends and connections. I'm loving all the experiences!
5. My migraines are going down! This past year has been great for my migraines. Don't jump up and down just yet: I do still get them. However, it's significantly less than before. I think it mostly has to do with me doing what I love and being so happy! 

So be looking out for more! Http:// 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Beginning of the Future

So with my self publishing and now filmmaking, I needed to establish a business to keep things in line. My first thought was my dog, who gives me so much inspiration, love, and laughter. Anytime we go to the beach, she's a bouncy little baby girl. So a thought occurred to me: when I'm on a writing spree, I'm so much like her at the beach. I'm a bouncy boxer too! 

So Bouncy Boxer Media was born. I will be using this business for all my media adventures. So far it's been for self-published projects and a production company for my screenwriting. Someday soon it'll be so much more. 

As I start to gain more experience and credit, I start to think about what I want for my art career. To be able to express myself and offer my own original ideas brings me hope. I hope to also inspire others, especially women and spoonies, to do the same. Reach for it! Grab it! Be a bouncy boxer!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Let's Go To The Movies

This has been an excitingly busy week! Started out with signing up for a second acting class and ended with two bookings and many new opportunities to come!

So Tuesday I met with a representative from an acting class in the Clearwater area. They have a great package deal for a reel, classes, headshots, and opportunity for meeting people in the business. That night I went to my other acting class to rehearse scenes from the upcoming feature, "The Grey Room Chronicles: I Am Sin." Make sure you check it out on IMDB. 

Thursday was the second acting class of the week and was helping me very much to get to know my character. 

Friday I submitted video auditions and scored TWO bookings for the summer! I was so excited! One is a supporting role as a villain and the other is a one day featured role. My resume is really building up! 

Today I am meeting with an up and coming film company through a church in Kissimmee. They have many projects coming up and have wonderful values. Definitely good opportunities for producing and writing as well as acting.

Things are progressing and I'm excited for the journey ahead...

Migraine Hell

So I've been a busy bee lately! This week I was in a commercial, and two new tv series. I was just an extra in an episode for both but the experiences and networking opportunities were great. 

So a couple weeks ago, I made a bold decision to bring one of my writings to life. I wrote a short comedic screenplay about the frustrations of migraines. I presented it to some friends in the film business and they loved it! 

Being the aggressive passionate person that I am, I started a social media following and we will have our first pre production meeting this week. It's going to be low budget and out of my pocket but the message will be amazing. It will give spoonies a bit of relief and hopefully a laugh. 

We start filming in January after the holidays are done so we have time to raise funds, do promotion, and build a hype. In this experience, I build my media company (I use it for self publishing too) for more than just writing. 

Also after the holidays, I'd like to go into part time work where I currently am and focus more on my art. In order to do that, I need to start finding ways to make money doing my art. 

My first full length fiction novel will be set to release in the fall and I have a romantic comedy screenplay started. I finished a feature film that's a thriller but the budget will be bigger than expected. So I need to build up investors, profit, and capital in order to start it.

My dreams are set in motion. I'm going to be bringing my musical dreams to life soon as well. I can do it all! I can be happy! I can achieve my dreams! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Head and Shoulders, Knees, and Ouch!

Last night my neck and back went horribly out of place so I had to go to Urgent Care to be treated. The doctor got me some medication to lower the pain until I was able to get to a chiropractor. Luckily, one squeezed me in this morning. When I got there, I saw they do X rays before they even touch you so they know what needs to be treated. I already knew my neck was straight instead of curved and my upper back is curved instead of straight. I also found out this chiropractor specialized in migraines! He showed me where in my neck the migraine affect. It was so nice to be treated without judgement by someone who actually knows what they are doing! He wanted me to come in again this week in case my neck goes out again and causes a migraine. 

Have you tried chiropractor treatments for your migraines?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Work vs. Real Life

I've been struggling these past couple weeks with migraine due to increased stress at work. A part of me wonders how much it's worth being screamed at by people who just want to save a couple bucks. Not only do they raise my blood pressure with the added stress, but I'm also triggering a new migraine. Why is it necessary to call me every name in the book because you wore an outfit for a day then wanted to return it? Why must people proceed to verbally abuse my associates because they were obeying the company policy and doing their job? Do I yell at people when I want something done? NO! I was raised to do the right thing and play with the cards handed to you. Yet, many others skim by, take advantage, and get what they want. How is this right?

Yesterday I went back to the bad neurologist to get my results from a recent EEG: normal. Dude you could have saved me the $40 copayment and just call me. The only thing I'll be using this office for will be getting Botox back. If they can even do that correctly. 

Tomorrow I'm doing a field vision test because my optic nerves weren't looking great at my last eye exam. I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous. With everything I've found out about my broken body, I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. It would be great to know what's really going on with my body and how to fix it. However, I don't think I'll ever be that lucky.

So I continue to be yelled at during work to keep my insurance, do a good job, and work with a great team. If it weren't for my coworkers, I'd run for the hills. 

I'm also continuing to audition and submit for acting projects. Keeping my passion current! Slowly working on three writing projects and wanting to premiere them this summer/fall. With the pain and work, I've been trying to find the time to do what I actually WANT to do. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Upcoming Project - "Migraine Hell"

A couple months ago I wrote a short film called, "Migraine Hell" that I wanted to get started on soon. However, I saw the Tampa Bay Theatre Festival was having a playwright competition and immediately scratched my head. What if this story was a one act play? It certainly would be funnier with a live audience, but what if they didn't get it? There's a big risk involved, but I'm up for it. Here's why:

1. I want to bring a comedic side to a typical spoonie office visit

2. I want to show people how frustrating the entire spoonie doctor visit process is.

3. I want people to think about side effects, co pays, how outsiders view illness, etc.

4. This is a good first step for me as a writer/actor.

5. If it goes well, I can work on turning it into a full play.

6. It might bring a smile to another spoonie in the audience.

I'll keep you guys up to date on the progress! Keep up the inspiration!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Finding a New Doctor is like Dating

Well I'm 0 for 2 for my appointments today. My neurology consult was a bust but I hope I can only use this office for Botox. 

As I'm explaining my symptoms, past medications, and triggers, I am relieved that he's diligently writing down all details. At the end of it, however, he looks frustrated. He then says, "Whatever. What do you want me to do for you again?" Smoke immediately came out of my ears. Who says that to a new patient? After everything I've explained I had been through, was that really the best response?

Granted it's not the first time I've been shut down by a doctor. My first neurologist just kept prescribing pills and typing in his little laptop, barely acknowledging I was in the room. No bedside manner whatsoever. My neurologist, who was actually a physician's assistant, was the best. My first consult was a two hour detailed meeting with head to toe assessment and plans that didn't involve chemicals. Maybe I should see if she'll move down here? Wishful thinking.

Well an EEG is scheduled, which I need, and the Botox request is being sent to insurance. That's as far as I'll go with this office. Time for the next one! 

With every situation I need to remember this is a process and I need to be patient. (Get it?) Although it's difficult, I have to stay positive and know that I'm living life the way I want. 

What are your first appointment nightmare stories?

The Eyes Have It

Now that I have insurance again, I have begun the new doctor searches and appointments. This morning I went to the eye doctor because was way overdue. They offered a service to take 3D photos of your eyes to see if there are any issues. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul...

Well mine needs a closer look. When looking at my optic nerve, both eyes showed a thinning near my optic nerve. After explaining my B12 deficiency, the doctor quickly wrote it down and asked me questions about it. Since I don't know how long I was severely deficient in the B, I have no idea how much damage was caused. So we're doing a vision field test in a couple weeks.

Damn, I thought the eye doctor was going to be an easy visit! Such is the life of a spoonie. Moral to the visit: take the time to do these extra tests. You never know what you'll find. This one only cost me $39 and was paid with my flex plan. Crossing fingers and toes for positive results or an easy solution. Anyone else have this issue?

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Positive Thoughts and Actions

It's been a while since I've blogged but I've been out enjoying life. With two acting projects completed and one in pre- production, I'm keeping busy finding more projects. Today I auditioned for two roles at a university and went in with confidence. Each casting director told me I did well and one was very impressed after only one read. I went in with confidence and positive thoughts.

After watching a documentary called "The Secret," I have been focusing on what I want and reminding myself that I can have it. I remain with a positive attitude and work hard like I always do. This led to a promotion at work, better health, and an overall confidence in myself.

I will remain confident in all aspects of my life and know that I can achieve my dreams.

Photo: Copyright 2014 Conaway Photography

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Color of Pain and Taste of Happiness

A writing prompt on Facebook asked to wrote the color of pain and the taste of happiness. Here's my interpretation:

Every time I get a migraine, I imagine colors of red and blue. Red for the pain that pumped in my veins. Red for the anger inside my chest. Blue for the sorrow I felt at my helplessness. Blue for the anguish at my pain. When you combine these, you get a perfect shade of purple. The purple not only represents the red, but the blue as well.

When I think of happiness, I imagine big beautiful strawberries on top of a perfect slice of cheesecake. The creamy goodness of the cake sends a sweet sensation to the taste buds. The strawberries tickle the senses and instantly brings a smile. At the end, I never feel guilty.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Projects, Health, and Living

So many things are coming for 2014! I've been slowly getting back to the groove on my writing  as well as adding more ideas to my notebook for the future.

Once I get new headshots (drastically cut my hair), I can submit for more acting opportunities. I've been taking a class with an independent filmmaker and love it! I've made some great friends and have already done two projects in film.

Now that I have insurance and a steady paycheck, I'm getting into debt annihilation mode. I've also started a 52 week savings challenge to save money into a couple accounts. Determination is the key.

As far as writings, my fiction novel is coming along with 5000 words so far and a great beginning to a heart touching story. I'm so excited to share it this summer. I've also been beginning a feature film screenplay but I'm unsure how it's going to go. The only way to find out is to type!

Migraines have been taking a vacation (well not fully) thanks to the wonderful Florida weather. I've been reintroducing foods like dairy to my diet and taking notes on my body's reaction. Cooking has been taking a back burner lately but I'm getting back into the groove.

What have you been working on lately?

Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 Goals

Wow it's been way too long since my last post. It's been crazy this holiday season with work (I work in retail), which resulted in a promotion at the beginning of 2014! *happy dance*

Now that it's calming down, it's time to get back to business. I never make "resolutions" for myself. I'd rather call them goals. Here's my goals for the year:

1. Build savings - I can build savings easily by using the 52 week challenge for two accounts. It doubles my savings and it's so easy.

2. Debt elimination - I've developed an Excel spreadsheet to help add extra payments to eliminate all credit card debt. I want to finish my medical debt and past rent payments so I can be in a better position when I move into a new place.

3. Date more - Oh boy I hate dating but it must be done lol.

4. Experience Central Florida - There are so many things to enjoy in this area and the cost is a lot better now that I'm a Florida resident.

5. Travel - Each year I try to go somewhere I have never been to. Normally I visit friends or family which helps with the cost.

What are your goals for this year?