Anyone can fake a laugh,
Force a smile,
Put on a mask to show we're ok for a while,
But what makes us happy?
Anyone can reassure a loved one,
Go out and convince others you're having fun,
But what makes us happy?
Is it comfort, recreation, love, or time?
A significant other, a pet, our even a rhyme?
What makes us happy?
To find it, I search within,
Take me adventures, see new sites,
Go on dates, see my family,
And hope happiness is what I find.
How do you know when you have it?
Is there a magical feeling that shows?
Maybe a sign appears before me,
And gets bigger when happiness grows?
All I know is I want to be happy,
I want to find the feeling and grab it.
Once I know what it's supposed to be like,
I'll share with others and make a good fit.