Write about alternative treatments and regimens and tell us how you feel about them. What do you support? What is crazy? Have you used any?
Well since I've been a pill guinea pig in the past, I'm constantly searching for alternative treatments for migraine. The first I've tried was the diet that I've been on for a year. Yes, I cheat, but for the most part I stick to it and I've noticed improvement in intensity and frequency in my migraine. If you're unsure of what diet I'm talking about, check out my blog post about it. http://themigrainechef.blogspot.com/2013/04/breakdown-of-headache-diet.html
Besides the diet, I've tried Botox, vitamins instead of meds, massage, and exercise. I've been meaning to try acupuncture and other types of massage aimed at specific nerves. I'm always open to alternative medicine because I HATE side effects! However, some of the alternative methods may not be for you. Be sure to do your research before attempting.
I wrote a small screenplay for my filmmakers group making fun of a doctor's visit and the doctor recommended drilling holes in the patient's head because Google said so. It's amazing what people will believe these days. I fully support the diet, Botox, and using exercise to keep the blood pumping. Vitamins are great too. I'm deficient in B and D so I take those daily vitamins as well as magnesium and melatonin. It's all about what works for YOU!
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