Monday, November 4, 2013

My Mascot

Give your condition, community, or self a mascot. Who is it? What do they represent? What is their battle cry?

I am a chronic migraineur, have a vitamin B & D deficiency, allergies, carpal tunnel, and parasthesias. Most of the time I feel like a broken doll but I don't want that to be my mascot. 

I'd rather my mascot be a teddy bear with a bandage on its head. The reason would be because I'm not a perfect teddy bear straight from the manufacturer. I'm rather a teddy bear with boo-boos, mostly on its head. At first you think, "awe how cute," but then you realize he needs help. He represents what many spoonies feel on the inside but are afraid to show. His battle cry would be, "I'm okay!" He constantly reassures others and doesn't feel sorry for himself. He stays smiling even with the bandages because he knows it's all going to be okay.

What about you?

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