Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sweet Tooth Remedies on the Headache Diet

As many of you know, chocolate is now considered a no-no while on the Headache Diet. How many of you mourned that loss? I know I did! While I do get a piece of chocolate about once a week (sometimes you need your chocolate), there are other ways to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Fruit: Some headache diet fruits are naturally sweet such as strawberries, peaches, mangoes, and blueberries. By adding these to your dairy free ice cream, you have a healthy and sweet dessert. Strawberries are my favorite and now that they are in season, they are affordable. 

Caramel: Yes, caramel does contain dairy, but a little bit to sweeten your treat won't hurt. If it does, then discontinue. I enjoy caramel on my apple slices for a quick, sweet treat.

Stevia: Instead of Sweet N Low (contains aspartame), use the natural sweetener, Stevia. 

Sorbet: A fruit sorbet (strawberry is my favorite) has a lovely taste to satisfy any sweet tooth. This is a good substitute for ice cream. 

Dairy Free Ice Cream: The brand, So Delicious, has a great line of soy and coconut ice creams for the dairy free dessert lover. I enjoy the vanilla soy ice cream and add fresh strawberries. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

What headache diet friendly sweet tooth foods have you found?

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